Tuesday, December 20, 2011

SMS Backup + - I know how you digital pack rats out there don't ever want to lose a single text message, email or phone call log.  For you I strongly suggest SMS Backup + in the app store. This app backs up your text messages to your Gmail account. There are a few advantages to this. First, you can have them in the cloud. If your phone takes a swim in the pool with you where is your text message backups going with other apps? Probably on the SD card that is right there in the pool sucking up chlorine along with your phone.  With SMS Backup + it is stored in Gmail and can be easily restored back to your new phone. You can also select to restore just a portion of the most recent messages too.  They are still in your Gmail but your phone doesn't have to get bogged down with tons  of old messages.  Another advantage is that you can search for messages or see messages from your computer and not just the phone.  Since it is in Gmail they are easily searched.

A couple of points of interest though with this app.  It does backup MMS messages but does not currently restore them. You can email them back to yourself but they are not in the SMS app then.  It also has some issues when it is installed on the SD Card.  So just be sure to leave the app on the phone. 

But you can schedule backups to happen and it will do all of that in the background without having to think about it. Isn't it worth that piece of mind knowing that your messages are safe? Of course it is!

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