Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Startup Cleaner 2.0 - Some apps load on startup when you install them causing your phone to use memory and slow down. By removing these apps you will free up resources your phone needs. Startup Cleaner 2.0 by Bright Wallace helps you to select which apps you want to startup. When you launch the app it shows the programs that are loaded and allows you to check the ones you want to remove. 

I will say the interface is a little confusing. It shows all of the apps with "Prevent Startup Applied" in green or white.  White means it will need to be applied and green means it has been applied.  You can long press an app to get extra options. You can manage the app further or uninstall the program.  When your phone boots it will show you how many apps were stopped.  I was surprised how many it prevented (23) when I first used it.  I won't say that I have noticed a big difference on the Galaxy Nexus but my old Vibrant does seem to run better.  The memory on some of the ICS roms has been a problem so having more available is a big help.

The app is free on the market and a good utility to have.  I hope they simplify the interface and make it a on/off type switch.

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